Configuring a SNOM M900 Base (& Handsets) to work with Flo:One

Configuring the SNOM M900 Base & Snom (M80) handsets #

Whilst our team build the Flo:One system for you, adding handsets and configuration where required, we have documented below for reference, a step-by-step guide for the set-up and administration of the SNOM M900, a multicell DECT Solution, and in this example, a SNOM M80 handset which works great with Flo:One!

Step One: Setting up the base, logging in and updating the initial configuration #

Unpacking and logging in #

Remove the M900 from it’s box, and remove the back plate. Do this by sliding the back plate up and it’ll come away from the unit. Plug an Ethenet cable into the device and plug the other end of the ethernet cable into an online PoE Switch.

Located the IP address of the device, this could be from either through scanning the network or looking in the DHCP table of the router.

When you have the IP address, enter it into a browser and a “Sign In” pop up will appear.

For the first time logging in, the default username and password are:

Username: admin

Username: admin

Once signed in you’ll see the main Welcome screen.

Naming the base #

Click on “Management

Give the Base Station a name such as: “FloOne_Office_Main” for the main unit, and if it’s going to be a repeater, “FloOne_Office_Repeater_Unit_2.

Click “Save

For a repeater – now jump to “Step 4: Setting up Multi-Cell Systems”

(The repeater username/password etc will be configured as per the main base unit)

Updating the username and Password #

For security, the you must update the default settings.

– Click on “Security

Then enter the following details:

Username: FlexiNet

Current Password: admin


Confirm Password: (ENTER NEW PASSWORD!)

IMPORTANT NOTE! BOTH the username and password are case-sensitive!

It will log you out at this point, log back in using “FlexiNet” as the username and the password you have set above.

Updating the time zones #

Next click on “Country

Enter the following details:

Select country:                  Unitied Kingdom

Select Language:              English

Time Server:            

Click Save

Step Two: Adding the Flo:One server #

Click on Servers > Add Server

Add the Domain: from the Flo:One portal ( into Registrar and Primary Proxy.

Change the Codec to “G722” as the primary (Move to top) then Click “Save”

Step Three: Adding the extensions & handsets #

Click on “Extensions” then click “Add Extension”.

Line name:(Name – i.e. Walkabo)
Handset“New Handset”
Authentication User Name
Authentication Password
Display NameName for the handset (I.e. Warehouse)
XSI Username
XSI Password
Mailbox NameMain
Mailbox Number8000
Alarm Number
Paired TerminalNo Paired Terminal
ServerServer 1 (From when we provisioned the server)
Call waiting featureEnabled
BroadWorks Feature Event PackageDisabled
Forwarding Unconditional NumberDisabled
Forwarding No Answer NumberDisabled
Forwarding on Busy NumberDisabled

Check the userbox then click “Register handset(s)

Next power up a phone you wish to register by pressing and holding the power button (Hangup button) When powered up, press;

The 3 lines button >

connectivity >

Register >

Select first “Empty” line >

Enter – 0000 (This is the Access code, shown as “AC:” at the top of the “extensions options” in the Extension section)

Step 4: Setting up Multi-Cell Systems #

On the main Admin Base, click on “Multi Cell Settings” then change “Multi Cell System” to “Enabled”.

Click “Save and Reboot”. You should see “Unchained Allowed to Join as Primary” at the top of the “Multi Cell Settings” screen.

To set up repeaters, login and update the device name using the guide back at Step One.

After, Click on “Multi Cell Settings” then change “Multi Cell System” to “Enabled” then click “Save and reboot”.

The system will then pair the units up. Please note this will take a few minutes, and you will be able to log in between using the admin/admin login details. but it’ll reboot and should share the login details from the primary unit previously set up. If username: admin password: admin still works, it’s not done yet! It’ll need to reboot again!

You’ll be able to see the devices under the Main unit’s Multi Cell Settings Tab.

These units are now configured and you’re ready to use the system!

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